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+currently, i work as a software engineer @ Mixrank, and you can find my curriculum here.
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+currently, i work as a software engineer @ Mixrank, and you can find my curriculum here.
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+currently, i work as a software engineer @ Mixrank, and you can find my curriculum here.
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+currently, i work as a software engineer @ Mixrank, and you can find my curriculum here.
+if you feel like smugly responding to any of my posts (or just want to kindly send me a message), these are my socials:">
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+ <p>i&rsquo;m leonardo santiago, a software engineer based in brazil. my interests are in compiler design, programming tools (emacs), functional programming, and proof languages. i&rsquo;m most confortable in nix and rust, but i know a fair share of other languages.</p>
+<p>currently, i work as a software engineer @ <a href="">Mixrank</a>, and you can find my curriculum <a href="/cv.pdf">here</a>.</p>
+<p>if you feel like smugly responding to any of my posts (or just want to kindly send me a message), these are my socials:</p>
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+<p>this blog was built using emacs&rsquo; excelent org-mode and <a href="">hugo</a> (with the <a href="">bearblog theme</a>).</p>
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- <p>i&rsquo;m leonardo santiago, a software engineer based in brazil. my interests are in compiler design, programming tools (emacs) and functional programming, usually dabbliing in related topics too. i&rsquo;m most confortable in nix and rust, but i know a fair share of other languages.</p>
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