path: root/config/_default/params.toml
blob: 2c5dab26c26cf1578dedee6dad8bd53db2e4fd03 (plain) (tree)

# -- Theme Options --
# These options control how the theme functions and allow you to
# customise the display of your website.
# Refer to the theme docs for more details about each of these parameters.

colorScheme = "fire"
defaultAppearance = "dark" # valid options: light or dark
autoSwitchAppearance = true

enableSearch = true
enableCodeCopy = false

mainSections = ["posts"]

disableImageOptimization = false
disableTextInHeader = false

# defaultBackgroundImage = "IMAGE.jpg" # used as default for background images 
# defaultFeaturedImage = "IMAGE.jpg" # used as default for featured images in all articles

highlightCurrentMenuArea = true
# smartTOC = true
# smartTOCHideUnfocusedChildren = true

  layout = "basic" # valid options: basic, fixed, fixed-fill, fixed-gradient, fixed-fill-blur

  showMenu = true
  showCopyright = true
  showThemeAttribution = true
  showAppearanceSwitcher = true
  showScrollToTop = true

  layout = "page" # valid options: page, profile, hero, card, background, custom
  #homepageImage = "IMAGE.jpg" # used in: hero, and card
  showRecent = true
  showRecentItems = 5
  showMoreLink = true
  showMoreLinkDest = "/posts"
  cardView = false
  cardViewScreenWidth = false
  layoutBackgroundBlur = false # only used when layout equals background

  showDate = true
  showViews = false
  showLikes = false
  showDateOnlyInArticle = false
  showDateUpdated = false
  showAuthor = false
  # showAuthorBottom = false
  showHero = false
  # heroStyle = "basic" # valid options: basic, big, background, thumbAndBackground
  layoutBackgroundBlur = true # only used when heroStyle equals background or thumbAndBackground
  layoutBackgroundHeaderSpace = true # only used when heroStyle equals background
  showBreadcrumbs = true
  showDraftLabel = true
  showEdit = false
  # editURL = ""
  editAppendPath = true
  seriesOpened = false
  showHeadingAnchors = true
  showPagination = true
  invertPagination = false
  showReadingTime = true
  showTableOfContents = true
  # showRelatedContent = false
  # relatedContentLimit = 3
  showTaxonomies = true
  showAuthorsBadges = false
  showWordCount = false
  showZenMode = false

  showHero = false
  # heroStyle = "background" # valid options: basic, big, background, thumbAndBackground
  layoutBackgroundBlur = true # only used when heroStyle equals background or thumbAndBackground
  layoutBackgroundHeaderSpace = true # only used when heroStyle equals background
  showBreadcrumbs = false
  showSummary = false
  showViews = false
  showLikes = false
  showTableOfContents = false
  showCards = false
  groupByYear = true
  cardView = false
  cardViewScreenWidth = false
  constrainItemsWidth = false

  excludedKinds = ["taxonomy", "term"]

  showTermCount = false
  showHero = false
  # heroStyle = "background" # valid options: basic, big, background, thumbAndBackground
  showBreadcrumbs = false
  showViews = false
  showLikes = false
  showTableOfContents = false
  cardView = false

  showHero = false
  # heroStyle = "background" # valid options: basic, big, background, thumbAndBackground
  showBreadcrumbs = false
  showViews = false
  showLikes = false
  showTableOfContents = true
  groupByYear = false
  cardView = false
  cardViewScreenWidth = false

  # apiKey = "XXXXXX"
  # authDomain = "XXXXXX"
  # projectId = "XXXXXX"
  # storageBucket = "XXXXXX"
  # messagingSenderId = "XXXXXX"
  # appId = "XXXXXX"
  # measurementId = "XXXXXX"

  # site = "ABC12345"
  # domain = ""

  # websiteid = "ABC12345"
  # domain = ""

  # identifier = ""
  # globalWidget = true
  # globalWidgetMessage = "Hello"
  # globalWidgetColor = "#FFDD00"
  # globalWidgetPosition = "Right"

  # google = ""
  # bing = ""
  # pinterest = ""
  # yandex = ""