path: root/modules/emacs/default.nix
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/emacs/default.nix')
1 files changed, 57 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/modules/emacs/default.nix b/modules/emacs/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ceba97e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/emacs/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+{ pkgs, inputs, lib, config, ...}:
+ outside-emacs = with pkgs; [
+ (python3.withPackages (p: (with p; [
+ python-lsp-server
+ python-lsp-ruff
+ ])))
+ nil
+ ripgrep
+ emacs-lsp-booster
+ ];
+ org-tangle-elisp-blocks = (pkgs.callPackage ./org.nix {inherit pkgs; inherit (inputs) from-elisp;}).org-tangle ({ language, flags } :
+ let is-elisp = (language == "emacs-lisp") || (language == "elisp");
+ is-tangle = if flags ? ":tangle" then
+ flags.":tangle" == "yes" || flags.":tangle" == "y" else false;
+ in is-elisp && is-tangle
+ );
+ config-el = pkgs.writeText "config.el" (org-tangle-elisp-blocks (builtins.readFile ./;
+ emacs = pkgs.emacsWithPackagesFromUsePackage {
+ package = pkgs.emacs.override {
+ withGTK3 = true;
+ withNativeCompilation = true;
+ withAlsaLib = true;
+ withSystemd = true;
+ withToolkitScrollBars = true;
+ };
+ override = epkgs: epkgs // {
+ eglot-booster = pkgs.callPackage ./eglot-booster.nix {
+ inherit (pkgs) fetchFromGitHub;
+ inherit (epkgs) trivialBuild;
+ };
+ };
+ config = config-el;
+ alwaysEnsure = true;
+ defaultInitFile = true;
+ extraEmacsPackages = epkgs: with epkgs; [
+ (treesit-grammars.with-grammars (g: with g; [
+ tree-sitter-rust
+ tree-sitter-python
+ ]))
+ ] ++ outside-emacs;
+ };
+in with lib; {
+ options.santi-modules.emacs.enable = mkEnableOption "Enable emacs configuration";
+ config = mkIf config.santi-modules.emacs.enable {
+ nixpkgs.overlays = [ inputs.emacs-overlay.overlays.default ];
+ environment.systemPackages = [
+ emacs
+ (pkgs.aspellWithDicts (dicts: with dicts; [ pt_BR en en-computers ]))
+ ] ++ outside-emacs;
+ fonts.packages = with pkgs; [
+ emacs-all-the-icons-fonts
+ (nerdfonts.override { fonts = ["Iosevka"]; })
+ ];
+ };